Simplifying Excel

Simplifying Excel

[header2 text=”Excel is a tool we all use everyday, but it’s easy to get lost in complex spreadsheets” align=”left” color=”#f58634″ margintop=””] The Kambium team are all MOS (Microsoft Office Specialist) certified...
OneDrive or Sharepoint?

OneDrive or Sharepoint?

[header2 text=”So what’s the difference is between OneDrive and SharePoint?” align=”left” color=”#f58634″ margintop=””] People often ask what’s the difference between OneDrive and SharePoint, we have a simple...
Keep up to date with Office 365

Keep up to date with Office 365

[header2 text=”We’re here to save you time keeping up to date with the continual changes in Office 365″ align=”left” color=”#f58634″ margintop=””] Microsoft are continually updating Office 365, which is great, but...
Manage user access in Office 365

Manage user access in Office 365

[header2 text=”Have you ever had a security concern about staff accessing files after they leave?” align=”left” color=”#f58634″ margintop=””] A key security concern is knowing what files staff have been accessing and how...