News and Tips

Communicating Change: Crafting Key Messages for AI Integration

Communicating Change: Crafting Key Messages for AI Integration

Are you gearing up to introduce AI tools in your organization? If so, you probably know that effective communication is crucial for ensuring a smooth transition. But how do we craft messages that resonate with everyone involved? Let’s dive into some best practices for...

AI and Cybersecurity: How are Machines Guarding Your Data?

AI and Cybersecurity: How are Machines Guarding Your Data?

In today’s digital age, protecting your data is more crucial than ever. But as cyber threats become increasingly sophisticated, how can you stay one step ahead? AI isn’t just for streamlining business processes—it’s also a powerful ally in the fight against...

Real-World Applications of Change Management at OPAIC

Real-World Applications of Change Management at OPAIC

I recently had the pleasure of presenting at Otago Polytechnic Auckland International Campus on the real-world applications of change management to a group of enthusiastic undergraduate students. These future leaders will be entering workplaces where change is...

Breaking the Creative Block: How does AI spark new ideas?

Breaking the Creative Block: How does AI spark new ideas?

Feeling stuck in a creative rut? You’re not alone. Creative blocks happen to the best of us, but did you know that AI can help break through those barriers and spark fresh ideas? AI isn’t just for data crunching—it’s now being used to fuel creativity. Whether you’re a...

Ethical AI: Governance in the Age of Intelligent Machines

Ethical AI: Governance in the Age of Intelligent Machines

How does ethical AI governance shape a responsible AI strategy? AI is becoming a bigger part of our workplaces, but with great power comes great responsibility. As businesses integrate AI into their operations, addressing the ethical challenges is crucial. How do we...