Employees spend up to 6 hours per week searching or re-creating information.

In a recent report commissioned by Microsoft, the study found that on average employees could spend up to 4-6 hours per week searching or re-creating information! Whether it’s searching through email, scouring the company intranet and endless document folders, asking colleagues to send a file for the nth time, or re-creating documents it is a lot of lost time and productivity, not to mention a headache.

Knowledge sharing repositories and tools are more important than just access to files “here and now” and require more end-user attention than training on induction Day 1. 

It’s essential to assess how effective your organisation – and its people – stores, manages and shares vital company information. The following are five pillars to information management and knowledge sharing to help you to assess gaps and areas for improvement.

  • Strategy. Develop an information architecture strategy to provide a foundation in which the solution will be designed
  • End User Training. Proficiency leads to confidence in using the tools and empowers users in their work
  • Continuous improvement. Measures are in place to ensure the solution continues to be fit for purpose and evolves as the company and needs mature. 
  • Governance. A structure and assigned content owners are in place for on-going maintenance to ensure files are relevant and follow the company’s information management protocols 
  • Security and Data Privacy. It’s integral the security, permissions and policies of accessing and sharing knowledge are managed and take into account the change to remote working

At Kambium, our Consultants work with organisations of all sizes and needs to improve their knowledge sharing and focus on one or more of the pillars above. We want to help you work smarter and more efficient for the long-term.